Monday, December 17, 2007

DAY SIX - our last full day

They are coming to take her away tomorrow, sometime between 8 and noon. So tonight, we will empty her out (we've already filled the tank), clean up anything that needs cleaning, etc.

I must admit, I had thoughts of Cara (short for Caravan, of course), and I running away together. But decided I didn't really want to risk my credit, freedom, etc...... on somevan I barely know (even if I DO feel like we've meant something to one another).

MiniMe and I went Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, etc. We both sighed, and MiniMe said it had been a lot of fun riding in the van this past week. I can't believe it's already over.

DH, meanwhile, confessed that while we were out on the town, and he was at home, supposed to be doing RESEARCH (for school)..... he was on, looking at minivans. He had a whole shpiel about how we could work the payments into our budget next year, etc....

I guess I'm not the only one who's falling in love!

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