Friday, December 14, 2007


Have I mentioned remote start yet? I LOVE this feature. I can start the van from inside my house, so it has plenty of time to warm up first. The best part is, if someone were to try to put the car in gear, etc - the van kills the engine (since there is no key in the ignition). It also locks the doors, if they weren't already. So it would be pretty tough for anyone to steal this van, idling in the driveway. And since we've got plenty of snow in Denver right now, and highs in the 20s and low 30s, I am REALLY enjoying this feature. Also has seat warmers, that work GREAT, if you like that sort of thing. I tested them, but don't like using them (in any vehicle), because I don't like warm seats - makes me feel like someone else left their "warmth" there. Ick. But a GREAT feature for ppl who like it, and little old ladies who can't maintain their body heat (like DH's late grandmother, who passed away this year, at the age of 101).

And the traction control is awesome (sorry to use the word, but it fits!!). We live on a hill that is IMPOSSIBLE to get the Infiniti up, in ice and snow. Seriously - we have to drive down the hill, and go to a major street a couple blocks away, where they get the ice cleared off. But with the traction control on the Grand Caravan, climbing the icy hill was a BREEZE!

I have driven Porsche, Mercedes, Saab (my personal fave is th 9-3), Audi, etc. I am not going to lie and say this van drives like an expensive sports car. It doesn't. But am very aware that vans do not typically do well in ice and snow (not, for that matter, do sports cars), and was a little apprehensive about scheduling my test-drive in the snow. I am very glad I did - she handles GREAT - far better than either car we own. Granted, they are both 12 years old, and traction control is much more popular. And granted, ICE is ICE - nothing can make ICE easier to deal with, overall. But this van does an excellent job, and knowing the traction control was working made me feel infinitely more comfortable.

Add the rear camera (when in reverse), the mirrors with "auto-dim", so you aren't blinded by glare, and all the other features - and i want to go cruising all night, to see what ELSE she can do.

How often can you say that about a minivan?

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